I started my blog in June of 2011 to document my booth at the Tennessee Antique Mall. Over the past 2.5 years, I have had my ups and downs with the booth, but the experience has been mostly positive. Unfortunately, I find myself having no time to dedicate to the booth - I don't have time to shop for it and I don't have time to swing by and keep it looking good.
Today I called and told them that November will be my last month. My priorities have shifted and keeping up a whole booth is no longer at the top of my list. Andy is impressed that one of my "phases" lasted 2.5 years. :) I am known for being obsessive and flitting from hobby to hobby. I'm a dabbler! This was a hobby that stuck for quite awhile, but honestly it's not very fun anymore - it's mostly stressful...and since it is a hobby, it should be fun!
I will still have my shelves at 8th & Argyle but when my 6 month contract is up, I will move out of there as well.
A huge chapter of my life is wrapping up and it feels so weird. I'm really excited to simplify, though - and PURGE. I feel completely overwhelmed by STUFF and I can't wait to clearance items out and move them along to their new homes.
I still want to swing by estate sales and thrift stores, but I don't feel the need to set my alarm extra early to be FIRST IN LINE. (I actually haven't done THAT in a year, probably.) I still want to buy vintage for our home, but I won't feel the need to scoop up every cool piece I see even if it's not totally my style.
I'm also looking forward to getting rid of the tons of items I've held onto to fix "someday" - that's just not going to happen! I know myself. :)
I will do one more craft fair - Making Merry in Berry Hill on Nov 9. I will take my vintage Christmas items and when the festival is over, I will stock the TN Antique Mall with those items - CHEAP!
I'm so glad I had my booth and maybe someday I'll have another one. It was a great way to stay busy, it was fun, and I got to meet a lot of great people because of it. I got to start this blog and make blog friends and be involved in this community. I will still blog - probably not as often as I used to (as you can tell by my poor posting schedule lately) - and I will still buy vintage, of course. I'll just get to do all that with less pressure and stress. It will be a leisurely hobby, not a stressful one. I'm really looking forward to that!