Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Creative Things Lately

Basically, I'm just dumping my iPhoto to my blog. :) I have been so behind on sharing things and so I'm just attempting to post the "minimum viable product" (Lean Startup anyone?).

First up: this doesn't have anything to do with anything I've done, but I was so inspired and so in love with these plants I saw when I was on a retreat:


I want to live in them!

I got super sew-y and made some bibs for friends who are having babies! It was so fun to mix and match the prints. If you want the tutorial, you can find it from another Jamie Young here!


Then I sewed some fabric envelopes for a friend. You can find the tutorial for these here!


And I started learning calligraphy! I'm just learning from books right now...maybe I'll find a local class some time but for now, I'm just obsessively practicing in a little notebook and learning from an old book I bought used. I ordered Molly Suber Thorpe's book and have browsed it but haven't had time to sit down and read it yet!



Ampersands are really fun! It took me awhile to get the hang of them - as you can see above!

What creative things have YOU been up to lately???

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  1. Those plants really are gorgeous. I'd love to have my own little solarium one day and just pack it full of plants and little things that make me smile. Those bibs are super cute! Have you seen the boppy pillow covers online? Those would make a really great gift too. That dang pillow got used a lot in my house.

  2. I missed finishing a Christmas stocking for my niece last year (seriously, Christmas Eve Morning I was frantically cross stitching but not fast enough) so I'm all about that right now. Working on it has inspired me, and now I've got ideas for some smaller Christmas ornament stockings. I have time to make 8, one for each grandchild, for my Mom's tree.....I think!


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