Tuesday, November 6, 2012

You know you sell vintage when...

You know you sell vintage when...

Your house often is in complete disarray...and you have random chairs hanging out in your living room for a few days...


And stuff all over the dining room table...

dining room

And Christmas EVERYWHERE on November 1!

christmas ornaments table

Ay yay yay! It's been a revolving door of vintage around here lately as I prepared to stock my booth for Christmas and get ready for a festival this weekend. More on both of those later this week!!

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  1. HAAAA! Love it. My table looks just like that. And my hearth is covered with Christmas for the booth!

  2. Well, you either sell vintage or, if you are me and your house still looks like this, you have more than 4 kids....LOL. You know, I have a set of the little elf ornaments I see in the photo......I can vouch for the "vintage-ness" of them because we had them on the tree when I was a little girl over 40 years ago and my mom passed them along to me. Apparently they had no sentimental value to her what so ever because she has to have new EVERYTHING. But I cherish them! I used to pull them off the tree and play with them like dolls....lol

  3. YES. This is the life of a reseller. My house is finally spotless, safe for the bedroom, but I'm getting back to work pricing and cleaning hardcore tomorrow. You know the house is going to be TRASHED soon enough... ;)

    Your house doesn't look as bad as mine at the worst, loving the vintage and style I see peeking around the corners. Also love the new blog banner, very nice.

  4. HA! Yes, I had three vintage Heywood Wakefield chairs in my living room for months, completely disassembled and half sanded, just waiting for the refinishing that, in all honesty, may or may not ever come. As far as my dining table...oh that's not getting cleaned off until company comes over!

  5. you've moved your dining room around... it looks totally different.


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