Friday, March 29, 2013

eShakti Dress Review

I will be honest--I've been interested in eShakti for years but had read some really bad reviews, so I had always been nervous to try them out. Over the past year though, I have seen their dresses pop up all over blogs I love and I began to think maybe things had changed. When they contacted me to review a dress, I was thrilled that I got the chance to try them out!

(Spoiler alert: I love my dress! Be sure to stay tuned for a coupon code at the bottom of the post!!)

eShakti is so unique because they make vintage inspired dresses in sizes 0-36 and you can customize EVERYTHING. You can order your exact measurements, you can change the length of the dress, the sleeves, the neckline, and much more. It's so cool that you can create it the way you want it!

There's also a bridesmaid dress section so that as a bride, you can pick a color or style of dress, and your bridesmaids can get them customized the way they want! If you have a bridesmaid who feels more comfortable with sleeves, or with v-neck, etc, they can all order what they want! And they're way more affordable than most bridesmaid dresses.

I loved my eShakti experience. It was incredibly hard to narrow it down and choose a dress. They have SO many amazing choices and they add new dresses practically every day. You have to act quick if you have your heart set on a particular dress because it might not be available the next day! That happened to me a few times - I dragged my feet and lost out on dresses that I liked. BUT, I found a dress I loved and snapped it up. (The style is available here, but in different colors.)

I'm really into navy these days and kelly green is always a favorite. I picked this dress out (it feels like it's designed to match an Emily Henderson room!)

It's very flattering and the skirt is so full - it feels very "twirly" and fun. I love the green accent around the faux belt and I always love collars on dresses! 

I didn't opt for customization because I'm not a perfectionist and the thought of messing up measurements scared me.

The weather has been too gross for me to wear it out yet but I hope to wear it on Easter if the weather cooperates. For now, here's a lame photo of my dress hanging on a hanger.

I loved eShakti so much that I bought another dress from them! It hasn't arrived yet, but I'm excited for it. I love chambray!

BUT, when I went to the site today, I found this dress that I wish I had gotten instead of the above one. I tell ya - you gotta check the inventory EVERY day!

So, here's where the amazing deal comes in. If you register as a new customer, you get an automatic $25 credit. Stack that with coupon code OWLREALLY (20% off through 4/15/13) and you'll get a great deal! My $60 dress ended up being $37.91 shipped! Pretty good deal!

All in all, I am a new eShakti fan and check the site daily for new dresses. They add such amazing styles every day. It's become a sort of ritual for my friend Dayna and I to send links back and forth of the new dresses we love.

Start shopping!

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  1. Pretty dresses! I really like the one you already have.
    Love the other two too! That sounds like a great deal, stacking the coupon code with the new customer discount. win/win

  2. I love the one that you chose. I was eying that first chambray one too the other day! Mine is still undergoing some sort of process...we'll see what happens! :)

  3. I am so eager to try eshakti! I cannot tell you how many times I have bought a dress and I have said, "god, this would look better if it was just a bit longer" etc. I am a sucker for customization.

  4. i'm so glad you reviewed this, and for the code! i need to order a bridesmaids dress and they have two perfect ones!

  5. That dress is really cute! It is for sure an Emily Henderson style dress. I'm going to go check out the store right now! Thanks for the code!


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