For the first time, we have a Favorite Find with a DIY slant! Megan of Megan Brooke Handmade makes beautiful paper goodies and she hopes to sign up for a craft fair this fall. To display her paper goods, she knew she wanted something crafty and unique. Megan found inspiration in these chicken wire memo boards and decided to try her hand at her own!
Megan scored a vintage frame for 50% off at Goodwill (our Middle Tennessee Goodwills run GREAT sales!) and set to work on it! She did a great job and I can't wait to see her craft fair setup- I know it will be adorable!

To see how Megan made the frame (and to see the frame in its original state), click on over to her blog!
If you would like to be considered for Favorite Finds, email me a photo of the item you would choose as your Favorite Find and a little bit about it. I'll write you back with some questions to answer and then we'll get you set up! I have several in store for you guys already so I may not be able to feature every submission that comes in but I would love to see what you guys have!
If you would like to be considered for Favorite Finds, email me a photo of the item you would choose as your Favorite Find and a little bit about it. I'll write you back with some questions to answer and then we'll get you set up! I have several in store for you guys already so I may not be able to feature every submission that comes in but I would love to see what you guys have!